Things You Didn’t Know: Farmers are Rock Stars

The Remains

Austin has problems with farmers? Are you kidding me?! Farmers supply green space, jobs, education and let us not forget FOOD. ( I looked into food, and supposedly, it’s pretty important). Where did all this hate directed at farmers come from?! Farmers should be at the top of our list of things Austin needs.

Quick list of things Austin needs less than farmers: people who don’t like farmers, more asphalt, affordable housing that isn’t, city lawyers getting creative, Lamar converted into a toll road, cotton-candy machines at Austin High School, another wing built onto the Governor’s Mansion (unless it’s a greenhouse), another courthouse built on top of the downtown farmers market, the ghost of Ava Gabor (trust me, I’ve see that woman eat), Monsanto inventing a GMO Doritos seed, Mack Brown assuring us that we are going to win this year.

It’s not that I’m saying if the farms listed below vanish we will are all going to die… ok.., yes, I’m saying that if the farms below vanish, we are all going to die. I’ll be the guy standing next to you in hell saying I Told You So. Go buy a tomato you wretch! Sign up with the link below.